Primero Systems’ web content management (WCM) platform, Webtreepro, allows franchisors to publish and manage content instantly to a few, dozens, or hundreds of consistently branded websites, all of which fall under the umbrella of its master site.
At the corporate level, the franchisor creates content such as special offers, promotions, blog posts, or other news. The franchisor categorizes the content and sets publish dates, expiration dates and other permissions as needed.
With one click, the content is published to both the master website and any franchisee website that is subscribed to that category of content. For example, a travel company franchisee may specialize in eco-tourism or adventure travel and choose to only receive content in those relevant topics.
Local control is a vital component of Webtreepro, and the platform contains robust tools that allow corporate franchisors to maintain the overall brand and content while empowering franchisees to choose which content to publish to their sites, choose localized offers for their marketing efforts, or create their own content.
At the same time, internal content may be accessible only to employees and managers, who can log in through the Webtreepro portal to keep up on the latest training and operational documents.

Webtreepro provides a competitive advantage and value to franchise businesses by providing an easy way to manage content across a network of websites while strengthening not only the connections between franchisor and franchisee, but also those between franchisee and customer.
At Primero, we take a collaborative approach in developing and integrating Webtreepro with the way your franchise enterprise operates.
Geoffrey Bock, Principal of Bock & Company writes that “Primero Systems leverages the capabilities of Webtreepro to forge digital connections across an entire franchise network.”
Learn more by downloading the whitepaper by analyst Geoffrey Bock, “Empowering Franchise Relationships: How Webtreepro Transforms Franchising in the Digital Economy,” for a more detailed overview of how Primero Systems can help your franchise gain a competitive advantage.